Unveiling the Art of Maquila: Efficient Specialty Coffee Processing

In the fascinating world of specialty coffee, the maquila plays a crucial role in bringing the beans from the farm to the cup with the exceptional quality that characterizes these aromatic elixirs. Discover how the art of efficient maquila is woven to ensure that each specialty coffee bean reaches its maximum potential.

1. Rigorous Bean Selection: The Beginning of an Aromatic Adventure
The maquila process begins with the meticulous selection of the beans. In an efficient process, high quality beans are carefully classified and selected, discarding those that do not meet the demanding standards of specialty coffee.

Receiving and Weighing: Taking Care of Every Great Detail
An efficient maquila incorporates an accurate receiving and weighing system. Each batch of grain is recorded and weighed with attention to detail, ensuring that integrity and traceability is maintained at every stage of the process.

3. Pulping and Controlled Fermentation: The Master Touch
Pulping and fermentation are critical stages. In an efficient process, methods that respect the natural flavors of the grain are employed. Controlled fermentation allows the development of complex and distinctive flavor profiles that characterize specialty coffee.

4. Washing and Drying: Preserving Flavor Purity
An efficient maquila is concerned with maintaining flavor purity. After fermentation, the beans are carefully washed and dried to preserve the characteristic notes of each batch. Drying is carried out in a controlled manner to avoid undesired alterations.

5. Expert Roasting: Transforming Beans into Masterpieces
Roasting is where the magic comes alive. An efficient maquila relies on expert roasters who bring out the natural profiles of each bean. Roasting parameters are adjusted to create a symphony of flavors that will delight the most demanding palates.

6. Packaging and Labeling: Presentation with Style
The maquila process culminates with packaging and labeling. In an efficient process, packaging is used to protect the freshness and quality of the coffee. The labels provide detailed information on origin, flavor notes and other details that make each package tell its own story.

7. Continuous Quality Control: Ensuring Excellence
An efficient toll manufacturing process includes continuous quality controls at every stage. From initial selection to final packaging, rigorous measures are implemented to guarantee that each lot complies with specialty coffee standards.

At Amarella, we embrace the art of maquila with passion and dedication. Every grain that passes through our process reflects our commitment to excellence. This is how an efficient maquila shapes the sensory experience that is released with each cup of specialty coffee. Immerse yourself in the coffee journey and discover the magic that only a well-executed maquila can offer!
